Besides Adsense (which is considered a very long time to get it), or with online selling,which should bother to sell and send the goods, this time with our Android, very easy toget a dollar $,imagine simply by downloading an application, we will get a dollar from the pemgelolaapplication. (maybe we are not easy to believe), but has a lot to prove, and has becomean additional effort itself.
moreover in addition to download the application, we played a game there, we will get an extra dollar of playing the game.
Immediately, I get a whiff of dollars by registering Rewards:
1. Certainly we have to download an application from google play whiff Rewads(search / find whiff size 14 Mb) and install this application on Android
2. Then open an account and login with FB
Download Whaff
will appear as shown below, fill in your facebook account to login
after ok, will appear on the screen of your android like the picture below, you must login / reentry
enter invite code will appear, as shown below, You need to fill in,
no code AW53526
besides you will get whiff of reward, you will get $ 0.3 dollar shipment, but if it does not enter the code, you will not get anything.
Invite kode AW53526
input the code above, enter the column to invite code, as shown below
after entering this code. You will automatically get $ 0.30, to get more $, you can click on like FB, you will get an additional $
Examples Picks / task which the pay is quite high:
Download Baidu Browserr ($ 0.33)
Download Ultimate Music Player ($ 0.20)
Download Babe ($ 0.18)
it is 3 picks which the pay is high and done every day (reset every night). This activity is not foreign to the freelancer because this activity is their main job
If Bloggers earn money from their blogs through Advertising Programs / Adsene, which should have a sizable Visitor, in order to quickly payout, in contrast to whiff, you just have to do daily tasks, and you will receive your dollar. so you just play games or open an application in the challenge you will get $, even if you are not clicking please uninstall this application, you will receive $ 0.01, but if it feels heavy on your Android, after receiving $, you can unistal your gaming applications.
For how to use paypal Payout whiff following way:
Log in to the application whiff, then select the browse menu, and select exchange. Scroll down to select Paypal. Enter the amount of payout and e-mail Paypal. Then click Payout. Payout process, be sent within 1-3 days. My personal experience was not until 24 hours has been sent, except holidays.
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